Carrier Koninklijke Wagenborg 16-04-2024

  1. Vacatures Uithuizen
  2. Carrier Koninklijke Wagenborg 16-04-2024

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  • Ports & Terminals

    From agency services to warehousing and from transshipments to tug assistance. Wagenborg takes care of your business in the ports of Delfzijl and Eemshaven.

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    Wagenborg Nedlift is your specialist regarding horizontal, vertical and heavy transport.

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    We are continuously aware of our impact on the environment and people around us.

    Wagenborg is committed to achieve a better climate and environment

Again Wagenborg performs safe tug assistance for LNG carrier in Eemshaven

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  • Again Wagenborg performs safe tug assistance for LNG carrier in Eemshaven

17 April 2024

Ports & terminals

Again Wagenborg performs safe tug assistance for LNG carrier in Eemshaven

Sunday April 14th Wagenborg again assisted an inbound LNG carrier safely to berth in Eemshaven. For towing the SM Albatross, the Wagenborg tugs Waterlines, Waterland, Waterstraat and Waterstroom were put in action.

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FunctietitelCarrier Manager
Indicatie salaris (min – max]onbekend – onbekend
Aantal uren (min – max)1 – 40
Contactgegevensonbekend , onbekend onbekend
Type contractVast
LocatieEemshaven, Groningen,Nederland
Soliciteer direct

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